8 Amazing Mobile Stats & Why You Should care

8 Amazing Mobile Stats & Why You Should care

OK Deep Breath! Here we go… 1. There are 3.65 billion unique global mobile users (double that amount of mobile devices!) 2. 80% of internet users own a smart phone 3. 80% of Internet users use smartphones to search the Web 4. 67.2% of consumers use a smartphone...
Finding Mobile & Local Business Leads

Finding Mobile & Local Business Leads

In my last post I said I would tell you how to easily find leadsĀ  for selling mobile services. Currently there are a couple of things that are very popular for generating leads for the offline world and that is the new Google My Places and Google’s Mobile...
The Future Of Mobile Marketing (and what you have to offer)

The Future Of Mobile Marketing (and what you have to offer)

I spoke to you yesterday about mobile marketing. Of course mobile marketing is a huge subject and and likely to grow faster than most people can keep up. But like with everything you need to start somewhere. I ace you a few stats yesterday that should have given you...

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