In my last post I said I would tell you how to easily find leads  for selling mobile services.

Currently there are a couple of things that are very popular for generating leads for the offline world and that is the new Google My Places and Google’s Mobile Friendly penalty.

In short, if your business is not claimed in ‘Google My Business’  it cannot appear in the  ‘Google 3 pack’ of local search results.


If a businesses web site does not pass the Google “mobile friendly “ test then it will be penalized and be pushed down the organic rankings. This is true for both offline and online businesses.

So an easy ‘in’ with potential customers is is to identify either or both of the above and contact them with a good value proposition.

You can use some specific search queries to finds these things out.

The first one to try is Google search that will identify any Google+ (Google My Business) listing that remains unclaimed. This has two opportunities.

First it is a specific issue that needs addressing and can be used to approach the business. Secondly if they have not claimed that listing they are probably not an ‘internet savvy’ business and so likely to be a prime candidate for offering additional services.

Use this search string (copy and paste it into Google Search) “Is this your business?” “manage this page” “about” “Plymouth” “plumber”

Of course you can change the business type and location to suit your own needs.
This will return a list of unclaimed listing.

View the listing for address and phone details of that business.  Generally it won’t have an email or web site details so you may need to do a little Google searching to find those if they exist. Try searching on the full name or the address of the business. Generally that will pull up all the directories they are listed in and hopefully their website if they have one.

Another way to find businesses (and generally this is better as it usually includes email and website information) is to use Yahoo Local.

Click this link or Copy and paste this URL in your browser address bar (NOT Google search bar)

From here you access Yahoo local search directly. Just add in the search you want in the fields provided.

This will list all those trades in that area with unclaimed listings including the full address and telephone number. Open up each one and it will generally give you the website and email address as well.

Because most people use Google to find leads Yahoo is very underused and can be a gold mine. Especially as it gives you so much business detail.

Of course like GMB these Yahoo Local listing need claiming as well!

From a mobile perceptive having the website means you can check a few things like:
Does it still exist?
Is it up to date?
Is it professional?
Is it fit for purpose?
Does it pass the Google Mobile Friendly test?

You can check if it is mobile friendly using the following URL

Just drop the Website URL of the business you want to test into the page and it will test and report on the website.

This report can be used as an “in” to your prospective customer.

So now you have your foot in the door you need a pretty amazing mobile service offer for your new customer.

And that is exactly what I want to tell you about in my next post

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