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Affiliate Training Part 5

5. OK, you have a great lead magnet now you need to deliver it to your perfect customers.

To do this you need to create a squeeze page. This is simply a single page that contains the headline and sub headline of your lead magnet that we created in the previous step.

It can include a brief explanation, maybe some bullet points with the benefits included and a call to action. Prompting them to add their email address to the squeeze page form

Once they add their email address to the form and hit the submit button they are added to your autoresponder (i.e. GetResponse) and that autoresponder open up a web page with details of how to get their new free report/video and what to expect from you.

Generally that will included instructions to get their free product from an email delivered to their inbox (by the autoresponder)

It may also make a paid offer to the new subscriber. After all they snatched the free offer from you and the main paid affiliate offer is right up their street. Either way you have a new subscriber that is likely to be very happy because you have have given them something they really want.

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